.: Альбомы TNA :. |
The Music, Vol. 1 - 2003 |
1 - Champion /C.Hennig/
2 - Knock You Down /TNA dancers/
3 - I Am /AJ Styles/
4 - Flyin' To Graceland /Kings of Wrestling/
5 - Marvelous Me /S.Hall/ |
6 - My World /J.Jarrett/
7 - War Neck /Harris Bros./
8 - Lion's Den /K.Shamrock/
9 - Take You Under /New Church/
10 - S.E.X. Sells /SEX/ |
The Music, Vol. 2 - 2003 |
1 - My World (Remix)
2 - 3 Live K
3 - Guilty
4 - Down With The Brown
5 - I Am (Remix)
6 - KK Rocks
7 - Y'alla Never Forget
8 - Funk With
9 - Down In The Catacombs
10 - Symphonic Anarchy |
11 - TNA Theme
12 - Offspring
13 - Deep
14 - Snap This
15 - XXX Gonna Give It
16 - F.U. System
17 - Machine
18 - Modern Oz
19 - Skinn
20 - Dodging Bullets |
3-rd Degree Burns - 2006 |
1 - Slay Me Prequel
2 - Slay Me /Sting/
3 - No More Fears /R.Roode/
4 - Crush U Up Prequel
5 - Crush U Up /Samoa Joe/
6 - Society Box /C.Hemme/
7 - Stampede /Rhyno/
8 - My World Prequel
9 - My World /J.Jarrett/
10 - I Am /AJ Styles/
11 - Scream Prequel
12 - Scream /Raven/
13 - Paparazzi /A.Shelley/
14 - Catacombs Prequel
15 - Catacombs /Abyss/
16 - Guilty /AMW/
17 - Eat Me /Sharkboy/
18 - Nobody Moves /James Gang/
19 - Unstoppable /G.Kim/
20 - Take Over Prequel
21 - Take Over /C.Cage/
22 - Adrenaline Rush |
Meltdown - 2007 |
1 - To Live And Die In LAX
2 - Canadian Destroyer
3 - 1967
4 - Black Reign
5 - Gold Medal
6 - We Find The Defendants Guilty
7 - Black Machismo
8 - Kaz
9 - Valor
10 - Sorry About Your Damn Luck |
11 - He's Back
12 - In My House
13 - Guru
14 - Watch Out, Watch Out
15 - Screwed
16 - Wings Of A Fallen Angel
17 - God Check
18 - Ave Vampire
19 - iMPACT! 2007
20 - Duelin' Dales |
Emergence - 2009 |
1 - Cross The Line (TNA iMPACT!)
2 - Chic Chic Bang Bang (Mick Foley)
3 - The Boss (Bobby Lashley)
4 - 5150 (Homicide)
5 - Broken (Tara)
6 - The British Invasion
7 - Te Gusta O No!! (Hernandez) |
8 - Angel On My Shoulder (Beautiful People)
9 - Nation Of Violence (Samoa Joe)
10 - Motorcity (MMG)
11 - Main Event Mafia
12 - Take a Fall (Beer Money Inc.)
13 - Catholi-Funk (The Pope)
14 - Coming Alive (Suicide) |
Q4 - 2012 |
1. Killa Queen instr. /Madison Rayne/
2. Puppets on a String /Gail Kim/
3. Hot Mess /Taryn Terrell/
4. Raging of the Region /Austin Aries/
5. The Beaten Path /Bully Ray/
6. Dale Oliver: "Devious" /Bad Influence/
7. Day of Rage /Gunner/
8. Broken /Tara/
Black EP - 2012 |
1 - Brother to Brother /Joseph Park/
2 - Come On /Joey Ryan/
3 - Deadman's Hand Instrumental /Aces & Eights/
4 - Magic Machine /Kenny King/
5 - Rock Star /Zema Ion/
6 - Te Kill Ya /Chavo Guerrero/ |
Delirium - 2013 |
1. Bad Invluence /Bad Influence/
2. King of the Ring /Kenny King/
3. Rise Above /Garett Bischoff/
4. Adam Scaggs: "Motor City" /MMG/
5. Mr. Pectatular /Jessie Godderz/
6. Rise Above /Christian York/
7. Streets /Jack Evans/ |
Deliver EP - 2013 |
1. Hail Sabin'2013 /Chris Sabin/
2. Heel For Ya Face /Lei'D Tapa/
3. Inner Villain /Manik/
4. Leather /Dusty Rhodes/
5. Puppets on the String'2013 /Gail Kim/
6. The Man In Me /Dixie Carter/
7. Trouble /Ethan Carter III/
8. Unhinged /Angelina Love/ |
Evolution XIV - 2014 |
1. A Reign that Never Ends /Brittany/
2. Angel on My Shoulder'14 /Beautiful People/
3. Boom /BroMan's/
4. Dead Flowers /Samuel Shaw/
5. Force of Nature /Wolves/
6. Willow's Way /Willow/
7. Killa Queen remix /Madison Rayne/
8. Cut You Down /James Storm/ |
TOI - 2014 |
1. Domination /Lashley/
2. Catatonic /Bram/
3. A Reign that Never Ends /Brittany/
4. Hero of the Storm /Chris Melendez/
5. Epic Anthem /Lockdown 2014/
6. Wrecking Havoc /Havok/
7. Rise Above /Impact Wrestling'14/
8. Carnivool /Menagerie/
9. Stampede /Rhyno/
10. Japan Rising Sun /Sanada/
11. Chief of Staff /Rockstar Spud/
12. East of the Orient /Great Muta/
13. Tigre Uno /Tigre Uno/
14. Knock You Down /Knockouts/
15. Submission Hold /Von Erichs/
Rawk On! - 2015 |
1. Sojo Bolt /Sojo Bolt/
2. Empire March /Awesome Kong/
3. Girls Gotta Booty /Brooke Tessmacher/
4. Girls Gotta Booty Instr. /Brooke Tessmacher/
5. Not a Stranger to the Danger /Crimson/
6. Not a Stranger to the Danger Instr. /Crimson/
7. Blood and Fire /Eric Young/
8. Mo Rock /Hamada/
9. It’s the Night /Kenny King/
10. Calling London Town /Rockstar Spud/
POP (Past Or Present) - 2015 |
1. Booty Rocks Instr. /Brooke Tessmacher/
2. Hell on Heels /Chyna/
3. Ignite The Fire /Destination X 2012/
4. Dirty Heels /Dirty Heels/
5. Djz Dubstep (Rock Star Version) /DJZ/
6. A Grado I Have Made /Grado/
7. Hamada Theme /Hamada/
8. Here Comes the Boom /Robbie E./
9. Spud Theme /Rockstar Spud/
10. Twin Engines /Taeler Hendrix/
11. Well Oiled Machine /Velvet Sky/
.: Альбомы WCW :. |
Slam Jam 1 - 1992 |
1 - Don't Step to Bon
2 - Man Called Sting
3 - Mr. Bang Bang
4 - Master of the DDT
5 - Freebird Forever
6 - Simply Ravishing
7 - Johnny B.Badd
8 - The Natural
9 - The Dragon
10 - He's Smoking
11 - Steinerized |
Mayhem - 1999 |
1 - Make Some Noise
2 - WCW Monday Nitro
3 - Take It
4 - Here Comes The Pain
5 - Invasion
6 - Crush 'Em
7 - What Up Mach
8 - Blast
9 - Self High Five
10 - Loose
11 - Sting
12 - Seek And Destroy
13 - Buff Daddy |
14 - Faith Remix
15 - American Made
16 - Bone Crusher
17 - Got Him In The Corner
18 - Pay Per View
19 - Make The Crowd Roar
20 - Wolfpac
21 - Fist Full
22 - Count That Man Out
23 - Give It Up
24 - Bow, Wow, Wow
25 - Rap Is Crap
26 - Bailando |
.: Альбомы ECW :. |
ECW: Extreme Music - 1998 |
1 - This Is Extreme! (ECW)
2 - Chicken-Run Blast_o_Rama (Storm)
3 - Walk (RVD)
4 - Trust (Lynn)
5 - the Zoo (Bigelow)
6 - Enter Sandman (Sandman)
7 - Snap Your Finger (Credible)
8 - Phantom Lord (Awesome)
9 - Heard It On The X (Francine)
10 - Kick Out the Jams (A.Rotten)
11 - Big Balls (Mahoney)
12 - Haka Blues (Sabu) |
ECW Extreme Music: Anarchy Rocks; Vol. 2 - 2001 |
1 - Intro
2 - Balls to the Wall (ECW)
3 - Head (M.Whipwreck)
4 - El Cu Cuy (Jerry Lynn)
5 - Superbeast (Rhino)
6 - One Step Closer (Nova)
7 - Neckbone (Dawn Marie)
8 - Just Got Wicked (Tajiri)
9 - Now You Want Me (Elektra)
10 - Welcome Burden (Steve Corino)
11 - Holy Man (Sinister Minister)
12 - Highway to Hell (Spike Dudley)
13 - Natural Born Killaz (New Jack)
Innovators Of Violence, Vol. 1 - 2006 |
1 - This Is Extreme!
2 - Drowning Pool - Bodies
3 - Walk /R.v.Dam/
4 - Enter Sandman /Sandman/
5 - Man In The Box /T.Dreamer/
6 - Natural Born Killaz /New Jack/
7 - Snap Your Finger /J.Credible/
8 - Come Out And Play /Raven/
9 - No Sleep Till Brooklyn /FBI/
10 - Debonaire /Rhino/
11 - Big Balls /B.Mahoney/
12 - Thunder Kiss /Pitbulls/ |
.: Другие альбомы:. |
Chikara Themes Vol.1 - 2011 |
1 - High Noon Theme
2 - Bow Down /Eddie Kingston/
3 - Ophidian's Charm /Ophidian/
4 - We All Scream /Los Ice Creams/
5 - Demons /Batiri/
6 - Riddle Me This /Jigsaw/
7 - CHIKARA Goes Around the World |
8 - Im Namen Der Bruderschaft /BDK/
9 - Fanfare /Archibald Peck/
10 - Death Rey /Sara Del Rey/
11 - Iteration /F.I.S.T./
12 - Soar /Madison Eagles/
13 - One Last Time /Sean Waltman/
14 - Chikarasaurus Rex Theme |
Chikara Themes Vol. 2 - 2012 |
1 - King of Trios 2012 Theme
2 - Chikara Event Center Theme
3 - Chikara Podcast-a-Go-Go 2011
4 - The Ants Go Marching /Colony/
5 - Feel the Flow /3.0/
6 - Broken /Shard/
7 - Rage /Swarm/ |
8 - Heartjacker /Tim Donst/
9 - Showtime /Saturyne/
10 - Can't Give Up On This Chance /Gregory Iron/
11 - Touchdown City, Population: Usa /Mark Angelosetti/
12 - Snake Style /Ophidian/
13 - Kinetic /Frightmare/
14 - Hit the Road, Peck |
Chikara Themes, Vol. 3 - 2014 |
1 - The Big One Is Back
2 - Soar /Icarus/
3 - The Sounds of Devastation /Devastation Corporation/
4 - Smooth Sailin' /Ashley Remington/
5 - March of the Noble Nation Most Glorious Anthem /Bloc Party/
6 - Karnival /Sinn Bohdi/
7 - Xtreme! Force! /Colony: Xtreme Force/ |
8 - Splendor /Juan Francisco De Coronado/
9 - Simply Savage /Jaka/
10 - High /N_R_G/
11 - Rising Tide /Jimmy Jacobs/
12 - The Call of the Colony /Colony/
13 - The Big One Is Back /King of Trios 2014/
14 - Chikara Podcast-a-Go-Go 2014 |
Chikara Themes, Vol. 4 - 2016 |
1 - Never Wake up /Nightmare Warriors/
2 - Dark Clouds over Estonia /ThunderFrog/
3 - From the Sea /Wani/
4 - Into Battle /Oleg the Usurper/
5 - Gekko-Roman /Argus/
6 - Falling /Snowflake/
7 - That Ol' juke Joint /Lucas Calhoun/ |
8 - Crab Legs /Hermit Crab/
9 - Fight for Your Life /Punk Rock All-Stars/
10 - To Serve and Protect /Officer Warren Barksdale/
11 - Too Sweet /Bullet Club/
12 - Volemos! /Team AAA/
13 - The New Regime /Princess KimberLee/